Mā te pāwhiri i "Accept All Pihikete", e e whakaae ana koe ki te rokiroki pihikete i tō pūrere hei whakarei ake i te whakaterenga pae, te tātari i te whakamahinga o te pae, me te āwhina i ā mātou mahi whakatairanga. Tirohia tā mātou Kaupapahere Tūmataitinga mō ngā kōrero anō.

Ngā Hoa o Waitangi

Ngā Hoa o Waitangi 

E noho hei Hoa o Waitangi me te whiwhi i ngā pōwhiri motuhake ki ngā huihuinga motuhake me te whakaurunga koreutu ki te Papa Whenua o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, taea noatia Te Kōngahu Museum of Waitangi,
 Te Whare Taonga Te Rau Aroha o te Utu o te Kiriraraunga

You will enjoy access to both museums, powerful cultural performances, informative guided tours as well as our native forest and gardens, visitor centre, traditional waka, delicious café and so much more, all with stunning views over the Bay of Islands.

We encourage you to return often, as we constantly seek to enhance and strengthen your Waitangi experience with exclusive invitations to new attractions such as exhibition openings, special events, lectures, concerts, and more.

Ngā Painga 

He aha ngā pāinga o te noho hei Hoa o Waitangi? 

  • •Ka whiwhi i te whakaurunga koreutu mutukore ki Te Papawhenua o Te Tiriti o Waitangi, taea noatia Te Kōngahu, te Whare Taonga o Waitangi, Te Whare Taonga Te Rau Aroha o te Utu o te Kiriraraunga, me ngā whare tuku iho katoa 
  • Te whakaurunga koreutu mutukore ki te hōtaka katoa o ngā haerenga whakamōhiohio me ngā whakaaturanga ahurea
  • Ngā pōwhiri ki ngā huihuinga motuhake
  • Ngā ī-pānui ia auau whai whakahounga ki ngā whakaaturanga, te hōtaka tūmatanui me ngā huihuinga
  • He whakahekenga utu 10% i te toa hoko taonga o te Papawhenua o Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • He whakahekenga utu 10% i te wharekai Whare Waka


How much does it cost to become a Friend of Waitangi?

  • Price until 30 September 2024: $30 annually as New Zealand Residents (ID required). An initial administration fee of $5 applies.
  • Price from 1 October 2024: $35 annually as New Zealand Residents (ID required). An initial administration fee of $5 applies.

Te Noho hei Hoa

Me pēhea te noho hei Hoa o Waitangi?

Me pēhea te noho hei Hoa o Waitangi?

Ngā Ture me ngā Here

  • Renewal applies annually but not automatically, you must renew manually
  • Friends of Waitangi benefits belong to the member only
  • Horekau e taea te mematanga te whakawhiti, te utu te whakahoki rānei
  • You must produce your online membership card to obtain the benefits
  • Ka rerekē pea ngā utu mematanga, ngā huihuinga, ngā painga, ngā whakaritenga tauutuutu, me ngā ture i runga anō i te whakataunga a Te Papawhenua o Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Membership is for those aged 18+