Mā te pāwhiri i "Accept All Pihikete", e e whakaae ana koe ki te rokiroki pihikete i tō pūrere hei whakarei ake i te whakaterenga pae, te tātari i te whakamahinga o te pae, me te āwhina i ā mātou mahi whakatairanga. Tirohia tā mātou Kaupapahere Tūmataitinga mō ngā kōrero anō.

Ngā Wheako Mariko

Unable to travel to Waitangi in person? Let us bring Waitangi to your classroom: Join us for four 45 minute online lessons (over consecutive weeks) to broaden and deepen your classroom learning about our histories.

  • Examine Māori migration and the arrival of European explorers and settlers

  • Observe the changes in relationships between mana whenua and early settlers over time

  • Consider how the differences between Te Tiriti and the Treaty have had a lasting impact on our society

Cost: $6 per student in your class; max. group size 30 students

Requirements: Reliable internet connection and a suitable audio-visual set up in your classroom (e.g., screen and speaker)


Lesson 1

The Navigators

Lesson 2

Whanaungatanga Relationships

Lesson 3

The Documents

Lesson 4

What happened next

Dates available: on request